Screenplay by Jasmina Wesolowski
Directed by Erica Scoggins
Cinematography by Albrecht Von Grünhagen
Starring Arden Kelly, Glenn Morrissey, and Dojah
Produced by Mavra Peponis
Part of a feature script titled Ambrosia, The Feeling is a short vignette selected by screenwriter, Jasmina Wesolowski, to develop into a short film. Wesolowski and Scoggins developed The Feeling together in Berlin under the mentorship of writer/director Nick Baker-Monteys (The Man Who Jumped Cars). Cinematographer Albrecht Von Grünhagen joined the production and travelled to LA to shoot the film on location in the Hollywood Hills.
Director's Note:
The Feeling is a film about the fragility of surfaces, where animal nature is always boiling beneath, threatening to break through. It is about the oppression of human beings living like household objects in the midst of ever-present danger. The Feeling is about making a mess and inviting death into a world where cleanliness is God.